Looks like the NFL has finally had enough of Colin Kaepernick’s BS and one Executive is speaking out against player and his garbage protesting of the national anthem.
In case you’ve been living under a rock and haven’t heard, Colin Kaepernick has been sitting down or kneeling during the national anthem as a form of protest for social injustice. However he’d doing it, it’s clearly the wrong time or place for the protest. Cops didn’t fight for the flag and our freedom, soldiers did. We also support our police because the Black Lives Matter mentality that’s permeating through this nation is totally crap.
The NFL executives are starting to notice and one spoke out anonymously.
An unnamed NFL executive believes that San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick is a traitor.
Bleacher Report interviewed several anonymous NFL executives about Kaepernick and they didn’t have good things to say.
“I don’t want him anywhere near my team. He’s a traitor,” one unnamed executive said.
Another executive added, “He has no respect for our country. Fuck that guy.”
Given our basic knowledge of the NFL and doing some cursory searches on the most outspoken owners in the league, our best guess on who these anonymous quotes could be from is Jim Irsay from the Indianapolis Colts or Bob Kraft from the New England Patriots. Both of those teams have very patriotic and loyal fan bases. Indianapolis is located in the mid-west and mid-west states are chock full of American pride, and the Patriots have the word “patriot” in their name! In my humble opinion, that’s who said it, but that’s purely speculation and only in my opinion.
What this means is that Kaepernick is a loathed and hated figure around the NFL and people deserve to know that.
(Source: The Daily Caller)