A feature of the Left is to blame everything on their opponents, always exonerating themselves of any and all responsibility. When the government was shut down during the Obama presidency, it was intentional, as they knew they could get their allies in the media to help them blame Republicans, which is exactly what happened.
With Trump in office, the propaganda blaming the Republicans for the latest shutdown is even easier for them to spew, as the media’s already made sure to pin every negative thing to the president and give him zero credit for the positives, like the booming economy. Right on cue, we’re once again seeing this predictable script being played out by one of the most experienced clowns in Congress.
As reported at the New York Post, the always loathsome Nancy Pelosi defended her complicit party on Sunday, saying they’re in no way responsible for a government shutdown that will harm the nation’s military.
“I just want to say something to our men and women in uniform, we in Congress take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and the American people. We value the service and courage and leadership of our men and women in uniform,” Pelosi, of California, said.
Trump and the GOP have pointed the finger at the Democrats, saying it’s their insistence on keeping America’s border unprotected and DACA recipients in the US permanently for why a deal on a new spending hasn’t been found.
This is especially true of the leftists in the Senate, as they just voted against a temporary bill that would’ve funded the government until February 16. However, the brinkmanship that people like crybaby Chuck Schumer have accused the GOP of is exactly what the Left is engaging in. And it’s entirely because they know the media will side with them and that it’ll be easy to pin the blame on Trump and Republicans.
On Sunday, Trump took to Twitter to voice his disgust with the Democrats’ political games saying:
” Great to see how hard Republicans are fighting for our Military and Safety at the Border. The Dems just want illegal immigrants to pour into our nation unchecked,” he wrote.
The House passed a bill on Thursday that would extend funding to the government. However, the measure was killed in the Senate on Friday on a 50-49 vote, forcing the government to shut down at 12:01 am Saturday.
Republicans may hold a slim 51-49 majority in the Senate, they needed 60 votes to approve the temporary spending plan, which makes it next to impossible as it stands.
While many federal civilian employees will be furloughed, US troops will continue to serve without pay until the shutdown ends. Hopefully, the GOP doesn’t cave to the Left’s garbage politicking, as this is all about creating a negative perception of the party and getting Americans upset at them. Not only that, it’s a serious move on their part to further protect illegals without compromising in exchange for the GOP’s potential capitulation. Holding strong is the best thing that they can do, or else they’ll not only get liberals mad at them, but their own base as well.