Old crone Bernie Sanders has crawled out of the hole he’s been hiding to trot out more of the Left’s Russia narrative. If you’ve been watching the news over the past two years, you’d know that everything bad that occurs in the world and in your life is the fault of the Russians.
Yes, there’s nothing those dastardly Soviets aren’t capable of in the current year. Being the Good Samaritan he is, Bernie went has taken to the airwaves to ensure that folks are aware of the new Red Menace.
As reported at the Daily Mail, the self-described democratic socialist that gave Hillary a run for her money in the 2016 primaries was forced to admit that the Russians he’s been fear-mongering about actually helped his campaign.
While being interviewed on Vermont Public Radio, the socialist Sanders took questions about the presidential election that he was so close to participating in. One astute listener gave it to him straight, asking about the boost he received from the Russians he’s been saying got Trump in the White House.
“If he was aware that Russians were trying to promote him and divide Democrats against Mrs. Clinton, why did he not communicate this to his supporters?” the host asked him, reading a query submitted by a listener.
Sanders pleaded ignorance, saying “I did not know that Russian bots were promoting my campaign.” Right, right, sure you didn’t, despite the incredible amount of visibility you were getting across the spectrum with such a tiny campaign. But of course, you’re definitely sure that Trump was assisted.
“Russians bots were not promoting my campaign. What we found out is that in April and May, it appeared that there were lots of strange things happening, attacking Hillary Clinton” he added.
According to the Left’s patron saint Robert Mueller, Russia did, in fact, mobilize internet trolls to give a lift to Sanders campaign, which is hardly surprising given Hillary’s saber-rattling and fierce anti-Russia rhetoric.
Sanders downplayed the revelations, however, saying that Russia-controlled social media accounts may have tried to assist his cause, but they didn’t actually support his message.
“This was not supporting me any more than they were supporting groups like Black Lives Matter that are fighting for social justice,” said Sanders. “Trust me. That’s not what they were doing. They were trying to cause division.”
But “we did not know early on,” he added. It really seems like he can’t make up his mind what role the Soviets played in his campaign.
The senile old grouch should go away already, and preferably take Hillary with him. The man is a stain on the Senate and has no business being a light-year away from Congress, much less the presidency.
Source: Daily Mail