This is a huge win for the country in the fight against illegal immigration. Breaking news from Washington saying that the Supreme Court is about to review Obama’s executive amnesty plan. What that means is Obama blocked state governments from deporting illegal immigrants. He essentially shielded these illegals and said they could stay in the […]
Obama Is Ready To Give Illegal Immigrants 10 “Special Rights” This Is Just CRAZY!
This should be a funny post, but this is serious. I can’t believe this is actually a thing. In a turn of events that are the absolutely height of hilarity, illegal aliens now have an ever growing list of demands for the U.S. government. It’s loosely based on the bill of rights most basic 10 […]
What Obama Just Did Will Flood Our Public Schools With Millions Of Illegals
Obama is at it again. Making poor decisions that make this country worse off than it is. This country is a great land, but what Obama is doing is deteriorating the sanctity of what America stands for. And this is never more apparent than with this story right here. Obama is attempting to have a […]