Breaking news from the Associated Press. According to their recent article, Hillary Clinton’s emails on her private server had talk of drones. The article states, One included a discussion of a U.S. drone strike, part of a covert program that is widely known and discussed. A second conversation could have improperly referred to highly classified […]
We Need To Impeach Barack Obama! Do You Agree?
Obama Will Make Sure Hillary Clinton Never Goes To Jail For Leaking Classified Emails. This Needs To STOP!
If you ever need proof that this administration doesn’t care about the law, here’s even more evidence to throw on top of the pile. While our troops are in a warzone, ISIS is looming down on American cities and our constitutional rights are being eroded every day, Obama and Clinton feel the need to take […]
Watch Thousands Of Illegal Immigrants Try To Jump The Border At The Same Time
Immigration is an issue in every industrialized country with less-than-developed neighbors, and this is the reality of what happens when an overwhelming number of people meet an a scalable obstacle. While this video takes place in Morocco, it’s a stark reminder of what can and does happen in our very own backyard on a daily […]
Hillary Clinton Is Being Investigated By The FBI And I Can’t Be More Happy
Well, now the writing is on the wall. Hilary Clinton has turned over her personal email servers to the FBI and investigators are diving in deep. So deep in fact that there is the possibility that two of the emails sent from her personal file could be labeled as “Top Secret.” This is one of […]
REPORT: Obama Had An Active Role In Forming ISIS. This Has To STOP!
Highly disconcerting, but not really surprising at this point given how terrible the current government is functioning, the former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency is now accusing President Obama of allowing ISIS to form right under our noses. Political news site WND is on the case and reported, The Obama administration made a “willful […]