Bernie Sanders is either a comedic genius or a complete lunatic – maybe both. Here he is explaining that he would increase taxes for everyone so state-run colleges (a.k.a. institutions of liberal indoctrination) can be tuition-free. He also wants the government to run healthcare, because Obamacare is doing so well, RIGHT?! Apparently he thinks that […]
What Trump Said About Guns Has Us CHEERING! Liberals are PISSED! OMG!
Donald Trump is the front runner thus far on nearly every Republican poll circulating now. And here’s something that might get you even more on his side. After the violent, shocking, and brutal murders of two TV reporters last week, Trump spoke him mind about guns, mental illness, and what impact each has on our […]
Liberals Forgot That Obama Paid Over $1 Billion In Social Security To ILLEGALS. Let’s Remind Them.
As the Obama presidency wound down, we got a glimpse in to all his failures as the leader of the free world. Now we’re learning that there were many, MANY more than we originally thought. The backwards thinking that Obama and his administration pushed into the American public eye was divisive and helped America to […]
When His Teacher Yelled At Him For Wearing An Anti-Hillary Shirt, His Epic Comeback Made AMERICA Proud
The Benghazi fiasco and subsequent lie trail that Hillary Clinton has left in her wake is something I’m sure she wishes would just go away. Luckily, we have patriots all across this great nation that will make sure that never happens. Take this kid for example. His name is Mason and unlike most students his […]
Obama Told America To Fact Check His Record On Jobs…So We Did. Here Are His Biggest Lies.
Hey everyone, let’s take a look at Obama’s jobs record when it comes to manufacturing, because it seems like liberals have forgotten that their favorite President actually did a really, really crappy job. Obama’s camp slammed Trump, saying, “There were 805,000 manufacturing jobs that weren’t just protected or saved, but actually created while President Obama was […]
Al Sharpton Told Blacks To Kill Cops In A Speech, But He Didn’t Know The Camera Was ON!
We all know Al Sharpton is a massive scumbag, but this video proves that he’s also a hate monger, racist, and violent dictator of the so-called black community Everything Dr. Martin Luther King was, Al Sharpton isn’t. Sharpton has taken the King mantra and made it into a joke. The Dallas shootings of those innocent […]
I Think Hillary FORGOT Her Best Friend Was The Leader Of The KKK. Let’s Remind Her.
You know that tactic candidates use during the election cycles where they dig up dirt on the opposition in an attempt to make them seem weaker, untrustworthy, or just plain evil. Hillary has been doing it to Trump for months, let’s return the favor shall we? On the evil side of things, you can’t get […]
Martin Luther King’s Niece Shocks Every Liberal That Ever Called Donald Trump “Racist.”
During an appearance on Fox News, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s niece, Alveda King, blamed divisive leftist rhetoric for why many black, liberal-leaning Americans see Donald Trump as a “racist.” King also reminded viewers that although she personally voted for Donald Trump, she had no quarrel with those who voted for Clinton as long as they […]
This Cowboy’s Hilarious Response To “Pants-Saggin’ Thugs” Will Make You Spit Out Your Drink!
America has some pretty weird cultural differences, depending on where you are in the country. One things does resonate across all parts of this country: youths like to sag their pants to no reason at all. So, this American cowboy and famous Facebook star decided to take to the airwaves to voice his displeasure in […]
Donald Trump Gives Giant Middle Finger To Liberal Sanctuary Cities, Starts Mass Deportation
All throughout his campaign, Donald Trump said that illegal immigration would be stopped in America. In fact, his border wall with Mexico is in talks to be built right now. But what else is Trump going to do? A wall is great and that will keep illegal immigrants off of our southern border, but we […]