A local police officer in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana has a message for the thief who made off with hundreds of dollars of cash from a local store he broke into. Lieutenant Higgins’ approach to the video below is garnering a lot of attention and many are taking notice. Appealing to theif directly, the Lieutenant […]
Heart Wrenching Video Of Slain Chattanooga Naval Officer Singing With His 3 Daughters. I’m In TEARS!
After the devastating news of the Chattanooga terror attack last week, people have been reeling and looking for answers. While there’s no way to bring these true heroes back, we can keep their memory alive! U.S. Navy Petty Office 2nd Class Randall Smith is shown in a video posted a video to Facebook singing Frozen‘s […]
He Thought He Could Punch This Motorcycle Rider And Get Away With It. He Didn’t See THIS Coming!
In yet another road rage story, a man got out of his car and assaulted a motorcyclist and it was all captured on camera. This is an intense video and reminds us all to be safe out on the roads because anything can happen at any time! The fireworks start at 0:50 in after some […]
This Is The One Horrible Fact About Caitlyn Jenner Liberals Want You To Forget
Before Caitlyn Jenner was inspiring countless liberals to tweet how inspired they were, she was known as a modestly wealthy Olympian named Bruce, who was responsible for a rather large car crash, where a 69-year-old Kim Howe lost her life. Liberals always seem to glaze over the fact that this inspiring figure was texting and driving […]
This Black Woman Called The Cops Racist When They Cuffed Her. She Didn’t Know They Taped The Whole Thing.
Anthony Cumia, one half of the former Opie and Anthony radio show, is no stranger to conflict. After being fired from his SiriusXM position due to him tweeting in anger after being assaulted, he started his own podcast where he was free to do as he pleased, and did he ever. In this clip, Anthony […]
Kate Steinle’s Father Talks About His Daughter’s Chilling Last Moments Alive. He Needs Our Prayers!
Jim Steinle is on the offensive, as he should be. His daughter, Kate Steinle has aroused national concern from conservatives (and none from liberals) about the state of illegal immigrants in this country. For those not in the loop, Kate was shot and killed in San Francisco by an illegal immigrant that had been deported five […]
Just When You Thought Planned Parenthood Couldn’t Get Any Worse, They Do THIS!
Planned Parenthood, also known as the place where liberals can get their tax-funded abortions, is doing a great job of capitalizing on the dismembered body parts of the babies that they’ve killed. Not only have they been caught doing this once by the pro-life Center For Medical Progress, but now they’re on video a second time […]
This Police Officer’s EPIC Response To The Flag-Stomping Challenge Is Something EVERY American Needs To See!
Eric Sheppard, a self-proclaimed terrorist and unashamed racist, issued a challenge for people around the country to stomp on the American flag. Of course, these are often liberal college kids that haven’t held a job for more than 45 minutes who have also conveniently forgotten that they live at a time when there was never more […]
Criminals LOVE Obama More Than Ever – The Reason Why Will Make Your Blood Boil!
President Obama thinks he can just rule with an iron fist, doesn’t he? He just released 46 prisoners who were in jail for drug offenses. He granted them clemency and now they are free to roam our streets – statistically putting people at risk because of the high recidivism rate for drug traffickers. I cannot […]
Hidden Camera Reveals Planned Parenthood SELLING Aborted Baby Body Parts! I’m SHOCKED Beyond Words!
This is absolutely disgusting. Planned Parenthood, the one-stop shop for state-sanctioned abortion, now can sell you discarded parts from an aborted baby, as captured on video by the pro-life organization Center for Medical Progress. Not only is this practice absolutely immoral, but it’s illegal, as you can’t sell of aid in the trafficking of human […]