As a billionaire with dozens of businesses, Donald Trump has come under fire from his Republican rivals and liberals alike. One business they like to harp on about is Trump University, an institution that helps people get the skills to be successful in real estate. Although the vast majority of applicants to this program gave it great reviews, there were some that felt it wasn’t for them, and since Trump is a prime political candidate with lots of money, they sued.
One of the contentions that they had was that it was a sham and not worth the money. Well, new evidence has come to light in favor or Trump, and it’s glorious.
Not only is Trump University a stellar institution, it got a score of A from the Better Business Bureau, with no complaints over the last year.
For Trump haters that need further fuel, read it and weep:
I hope we can finally put this stupid issue to rest and get on with making this country great again.
(Source: RedStateWatcher)