The left has officially gone off the deep end, folks. Here’s what they are not telling you.
If you hadn’t tuned in to the news this past weekend, you missed President Donald Trump banning immigrants from seven countries, coming through on his campaign promise to temporarily stop immigration from countries that support terrorism.
Note, I did not say Muslim countries. Which is what the left is peddling right now. Which is actually fake news.
Here’s the EXACT language from the executive order.
But what are we hearing from the left? That this is racist, this is fascism, this is anti-American.
Have you people lost your mind? Well, asking the left that question is like asking if the sky is blue. Clearly the left can’t read. They are calling it a “Muslim ban.” But wait! There are 40 other countries who have a huge Muslim population who weren’t banned! But don’t the facts get in the way of all those protests right?
And this isn’t all. Remember when Obama banned Muslims? No?
Well, by the current tone of liberal logic, he did. And yes, this is fact. Actually, here’s a link to the reason why Obama banned Iraq visas in 2011. Iraq has a large Muslim population and when Obama banned their visas, not a single leftist idiot said a word.
So when you hear any liberal saying this is a Muslim ban, just point out to them that this is the exact list of top seven terror loving countries that the Obama administration made, but were just too chicken s**t to actually carry out the travel ban. Once again, facts prevail over stupidity.
[…] H/T: YesImRight […]