It’s no secret that the entire recount has been one big money-grab fiasco for Jill Stein and Hillary Clinton. They’ve raised millions only to be proven wrong over and over by the voters, officials, and all of America. However, this time, a federal judge stepped in and put these squealing liberals to shame.
A federal judge reviewed the recount proceedings in Michigan and just delivered the soul crushing news that they would have to stop recount efforts, because what Jill Stein was doing was – get this – illegal.
According to the judge, the same one who ordered the recount to begin, said that Stein had no legal grounds to further look at the ballots. That’s gotta sting.
U.S. District Judge Mark Goldsmith agreed with Republicans who argued that the three-day recountmust end a day after the state appeals court dealt a blow to the effort. The court said Stein, who finished fourth in Michigan on Nov. 8, didn’t have a chance of winning even after a recount and therefore isn’t an “aggrieved” candidate.
“Because there is no basis for this court to ignore the Michigan court’s ruling and make an independent judgment regarding what the Michigan Legislature intended by the term ‘aggrieved,’ plaintiffs have not shown an entitlement to a recount,” Goldsmith said.
Essentially they’re saying because Stein had no shot of winning, she can’t legally have a recount. If this doesn’t scream “scam,” then I don’t know what does.
Whomp, too bad Jill. Go back to your organic granola hut. While you’re at it, return everyone’s money that you swindled from them.
(Source: Fox News)