Apparently Cruz and Kasich have joined forces. Trump is PISSED!
This is clearly a desperate move by Cruz and Kasich. They just announced today that they have joined forces against Trump. Unreal. One would think that thsi is a joint run by Cruz and Kasich, with Cruz running for president and Kasich as his VP, but that’s not the case here. Nope they’re just teaming up to stop Donald Trump in a ridiculous and horrible ploy for attention.
And what does Trump think about all this? He’s FIRED UP!
Facing a potential wipeout in U.S. presidential nominating contests on Tuesday, Republicans Ted Cruz and John Kasich teamed up against Donald Trump, setting off a barrage of new attacks from the front-runner who denounced them as desperate, weak and pathetic.
Trump told a cheering crowd in Warwick, Rhode Island, on Monday that he was happy about the partnership. “It shows how weak they are. It shows how pathetic they are.”
Trump, who New York billionaire who often talks about being the consummate dealmaker, said his rivals had committed “a horrible act of desperation” by colluding in those states.
“You know, if you collude in business or if you collude in the stock market, they put you in jail,” Trump said in Warwick. “But in politics – because it’s a rigged system, because it’s a corrupt enterprise – in politics, you’re allowed to collude.”
We agree with Trump 100% here. This is outrageous and this is similar to what Cruz has done in the past primaries: cheat to win. If this ends up costing Trump the nomination, no doubt there will be a criminal investigation into this matter.
(Source: Reuters)