Hey, do you remember a few months back, when Bernie Sanders was regarded as the “honest” politician by both Democrats and Republicans, while we were telling everyone that he was an old socialist who wanted political power and cash, and no better than any other corrupt liar in office?
Well, it seems like that everyone is overdue for a reality check, because just three weeks after Bernie Sanders officially endorsed Hillary Clinton for President, the aging democratic socialist and “man of the people” bought himself a lakefront summer home that cost more than half a million dollars. This will be Sanders’ third home.
Gee, I wonder where all that money came from. Hmm.
According to The Hill,
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has purchased a nearly $600,000 summer retreat on Vermont’s Champlain Islands, the Vermont newspaper Seven Days reported Monday.
“We’ve traveled up to the islands many times over the years — almost always on day trips,” Jane Sanders, the former White House contender’s wife, said in a statement. “The entire family is very excited about it.”
“We’ve always been impressed with the North Hero community, eaten at the North Hero House and Shore Acres and have suggested them to friends who were looking for a beautiful place to stay or have dinner. St. Anne’s Shrine in Isle La Motte is my favorite church and it is nearby.”
The Sanders’ new waterfront home has four bedrooms and 500 feet of Lake Champlain beachfront, Seven Days reported.
The town of North Hero has fewer than 1,000 residents, according to the 2010 U.S. Census.
The Sanders family also owns a row house on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., and a house in Burlington, Vt..
The residence in Burlington is currently valued at $321,900, according to city property records.
So, let’s get this timeline straight – Bernie Sanders, a man who, until his 40s, had no job or stable income, got into politics and convinced people that they should give their money to government, managed to buy not one but two houses, along with a third house immediately after endorsing a candidate who he himself said was corrupt and was in the back pocket of special interests. This isn’t a political revolution, it was a bait and switch con job, and it looks like Hillary gave old Sanders a nice payday for towing the party line.
Simply put, he’s a coward and she’s a crook. I can’t wait until November, when American politics will be rid of them for good.
(Source: The Hill)
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