Earlier this year Donald Trump held an event to raise funds for veterans and it went over incredibly well.
However, in true Liberal and Trump-hating fashion, many called him our for not immediately paying out that sum to the veterans and their respective associations. What many of these people failed to realize is that this isn’t a cash transaction you make at an ATM. These things take time to process and anyone in government, media, or finance should know this.
It turns out, they raised $6 million and it was a rousing success.
Now, Trump is speaking out and we’re happy to announce that the veterans have their money! YES! Here is his entire news conference, starting at 30:00 is where he begins to speak and address the money.
There are also many other amazing points in this speech and we URGE you to watch the whole thing.
Here’s a short recap from CNN:
Donald Trump held a news conference Tuesday morning to announce that he raised at least $5.6 million for veterans charities in recent months and slammed the press for dogging him with questions over the donations.
“All of the money has been paid out,” Trump said. “The press should be ashamed of themselves, and on behalf of the veterans, the press should be ashamed of themselves.”The news conference comes four months after Trump first announced he had raised $6 million — including $1 million of his own money — for veterans causes during a fundraiser he hosted instead of attending a GOP primary debate.“There are so many people who are so thankful for what we did,” Trump said, adding that the final figure could top $6 million once all the donations are in.Trump listed the groups that had received money and the amounts that had been given to each. He said there were no administrative costs.
Trump himself disbursed his $1 million pledge last week to the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation, a charity that helps support the families of fallen Marines and law enforcement officers to which Trump’s foundation has previously donated.