Most of us would probably like to think that everyone working in law enforcement is a natural born and bread, red-white-and-blue-blooded American with nothing but the purest of intentions. Sadly, American’s are not known for their language skills, and our federal law enforcement sometimes calls on outsiders to help in their criminal pursuits.
This was the case with foreign-born Danielle Greene who worked as a translator for the FBI.
Via CNN:
The FBI has been having a hard enough time as it is with James Comey at the helm. It’s been somewhat of a sinking ship ever since significant attention was brought to them over the Hillary email scandal. It seems possible that there’s been a whole host of missteps and cover-ups over at the federal law enforcement offices.
This is not to in any way saying that federal officers are all bad, or that even a moderate percentage have bad intentions. What does seem to have happened is that someone with a very high rank before their name put their trust in an improperly vetted foreign national. I’m sure it’s possible for anyone to fall into this kind of trap; the heart wants what the heart wants. And in this case apparently, it wanted to live in a cave with murderers.
I’m not sure what job Greene has now, but maybe she can teach some “how to live with sharia law” classes for all the women who think that becoming a Muslim is a good idea. It worked out so well for her, I’m sure others want to hear about it.
(Source: CNN)