It is said that children are our future. Well, if it’s kids like these that are politically motivated and up to date on what’s going on in the country, I think our future is in good hands.
A short while ago, an 8-year-old boy named Peter penned a letter to Michelle Obama, off the heels of the controversy that reduced the allowable maximum of ketchup packets in public school to one per student. Peter also laid into the Obama administration and Barack’s foreign policy decisions, or lack thereof.
The letter reads:
Dear Michelle Obama,
My name is Peter, and I am 8 years old. I love studying the history of the U.S.A. I have enjoyed learning about the great choices the U.S.A. has made, and then there was your husband’s election.
I think you should rethink your idea that takes us to one ketchup packet per meal. I feel that is taking away our patriotism toward America.
I also think you should stop doing nothing and go send some troops to the Middle East. I also think your husband needs to work on his speeches. He also dissappointed millions of Americans by not bombing Syria. If you do not know every day thousands of people’s homes are destroyed by ISIS in the Middle East. You should also get the U.S. to send troops to Ukraine.
Also, may I ask you, is the White House Comfortable?
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Signed: a concerned 8-year-old citizen,
Yes! Yes! I can’t believe how eloquently this letter was written, given the context that it was an 8-year-old writing it. He should run for office when he grows up, he’d do a lot of good!
(Source: DailyCaller)