Last week after the Republican National Convention Donald Trump closed the gap on Hillary Clinton in the polls and then surpassed her. Now it seems that Trump’s lead is increasing and the reason for that makes us so incredibly happy.
The Democratic National Convention might as well be called the Demonic National Convention. The pure evil that is emanating from that place is unbelievable. From parading police shooting victims in front of millions while not giving any voice to those officers murdered in cold blood, to the Bernie Sanders supporters causing riots, to Obama giving a speech that barely even made sense, the DNC is just a crock pot of insane.
And the public knows it. Polls are showing that as the DNC rolls on, Trump’s lead is increasing. The LA Times tracking poll shows many major polls as a composite. Trump’s crushing almost all of them.
Five of the seven lean red, amounting to a narrow but seemingly reliable lead of 1.1 points for Trump. To put that in perspective, over the past 12 months he had led Clinton for exactly three days, in late May of this year — and that was a lead of just 0.2 points, fueled by the fact that he’d already become presumptive nominee at that point while Hillary was still busy trying to tamp down Berniemania. Maybe the polls revert to form next week when Hillary gets a convention bounce of her own. Or maybe not: I’m all-in on predicting that she won’t get a bounce. For some Americans, last week was their first real introduction to Trump the politician. There’s no new introduction to a pol as familiar as Clinton, no matter how hard the DNC strains to manufacture one.
Back to the LA Times poll, though, which is noteworthy in various ways. It’s the only poll out there right now that includes data from Monday and Tuesday of this week, which means the extra-large lead it’s seeing for Trump might be a sign that his bounce is still expanding. We’ll have to wait for other surveys to confirm that. In the meantime, the (almost) seven-point advantage here is tied for the biggest lead for Trump in any poll this year. Rasmussen, whose numbers have skewed conspicuously pro-Trump, has also found a seven-point lead for him in the past. The Times and Rasmussen have something in common: They both poll likely voters, which should make their numbers a little closer to what we’d expect to actually see on Election Day. I’ll be curious to see Rasmussen’s new data once it’s available. They haven’t polled the race for a week.
This is major in so many ways outlined in the article. Trump was never in front of Hillary and if he was, it was for a fraction of a second in political time (3 days). Yet after the RNC he closed and now DURING the DNC he vaults ahead? I think I smell a Trump victory in November.
This is huge!
(Source: HotAir)