Haha this is too good not to share. You’re going to love this one.
In case you’ve missed it, the mainstream (read: liberal) media has been on a crusade the last week in an attempt to stop conservative, Republican, or right-wing opinion/news sites in an attempt to find a scapegoat for why Hillary Clinton lost the election. Couldn’t be because she was one of the worst candidates in human history, arguably the worst ever, and it HAS to do with conservatives websites convincing people that Trump was better right? Wrong.
As you’ll see below, YouTube sensation Paul Joseph Watson explains exactly why this entire argument is complete and utter garbage.
What we do is not “fake news” it’s opinion and our own take on the facts. And as outlined in the video, the left should be shouldering vastly more blame for “fake news.” And look here! It’s exactly what they are rallying against.
MSNBC, a hugely respected and “trusted” liberal media outlet just gave one of the most fake headlines of this entire election cycle.
Chuck Todd on MSNBC’s “Meet the Press Daily” Thursday wondered how fake news spreads. NBC also published an article online last week titled “It Won’t Be Easy To Fix Facebook’s Fake News Problem.”
On Sunday, NBC ran with a laughably misleading headline: “Reince Priebus on Muslim Registry: ‘Not Going to Rule Out Anything.’” The story originates from an interview Priebus had with Todd on NBC’s “Meet The Press.”
Ah yes. That’s totally what Reince Priebus said and couldn’t POSSIBLY be skewed and spun to forward the liberal agenda narrative right? That’s a 100% truthful headline and in no way is meant to be “clickbait-y” and fool the audience into reading something that isn’t true, right? WRONG. Here’s the FULL quote, which MSNBC so conveniently forgot to put in.
Priebus replied, “Look I’m not going to rule out anything but we’re not going to have a registry based on a religion.”
So regardless of your opinion on that matter, MSNBC ran a purposefully misleading, and by the definition every liberal media outlet has give, “fake news” story. Pot, meet kettle. Here’s the rest of the quote.
He added, “But what I think what we’re trying to do is say that there are some people, certainly not all people Chuck, there are some people that are radicalized. And there are some people that have to be prevented from coming into this country.”
Which isn’t racist, and it exactly what everyone on the right has been saying all along.
For the liberals to call us fake news is not only insulting, it’s wrong and contradictory to the exact thing they do on a daily basis. But, you know, when we post “fake news,” people don’t die and wars aren’t started.
(Sources: YouTube and The Daily Caller)