Twitter users are tearing into Fox News host Shepard Smith. Smith alienated his audience by staunchly defending Hillary Clinton. He wasted a full six minutes trying to discredit the Uranium One scandal.You could almost hear Hillary cackling in the background.
Fox News viewers have a low tolerance for fake news. Smith isn’t mandated to believe in Clinton’s guilt just because he works for Fox, but he is under an obligation to report unbiased news.
“Nine people involved in the deal made donations to the Clinton Foundation totaling more than $140million,” Smith began.
“In exchange, Secretary of State [Hillary] Clinton approved the sale to the Russians, a quid-pro-quo… The accusation first made by Peter Schweizer, the senior editor-at-large of the website Breitbart… The next year, candidate Donald Trump cited the accusation as an example of Clinton corruption.”
Smith then ripped the accusations apart, denying that they had any credibility.
“The accusation is predicated on the charge that Secretary Clinton approved the sale,” Smith added.
“She did not. A committee of nine evaluated the sale, the president approved the sale, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and others had to offer permits, and none of the uranium was exported for use by the US to Russia.”
Social media erupted immediately. For a long time, Fox News hosts kept themselves above the fray and focused on real, honest journalism. Smith’s decision to go rogue tarnished the network’s reputation.
People who want everyone to forget about Clinton’s crimes are out of luck. The scandals can’t be buried.
(Source: Daily Mail)