Breaking news out of the Benghazi camp and it doesn’t look good for Hillary. Which, of course, makes us happy.
Trey Gowdy, House appointed Benghazi committee chair, just announced over the weekend that the report on the entire tragedy and potential treason Clinton may have committed will be out in June BEFORE the Democratic National Committee Convention.
This is HUGE news and could be a massive damper on the Clinton presidential candidacy. Here’s the full interview.
If you couldn’t watch, here are some highlights.
“We’re going to get the report out – it will be in the next month,” Gowdy said, “and then I’ll let the reader know: This is what we’re missing, these are the agencies that haven’t produced it to us, and if witnesses come forward after the publication of our report, I’ll let the readers know that.”
Gowdy admitted that for “personal and professional reasons,” he would have rather the report come out last summer, but said he agreed with Todd that the committee owes it to voters to release it before the Republican and Democratic national conventions this summer, when the parties will meet to declare presidential tickets and shore up current and future agendas.
The delay, Gowdy said, was due to his committee’s lack of access to necessary documents and witnesses relevant to the investigation.
Gowdy said Friday the committee’s report will focus on three questions: “Why were we there, and whether or not the facility was sufficiently secure. What happened during the pendency of the attacks? And whether or not the American people were leveled with in the aftermath.”
“There’s going to be new information in all three tranches of Benghazi,” he told Todd, adding that the transcripts will also be available to the public. “I don’t want you to take my word for it. I want you to read it for yourself, and you can draw whatever conclusions you want to draw.”
Which pretty much means that there’s going to be no middle ground here. It’ll say that Hillary was a willing participant and she’s done for, or it’ll mean she gets off scott free. We hope it’s the former.
(Source: MSNBC)