The left wing whiners just won’t stop when it comes to Donald Trump, especially with his inauguration this coming Friday. What many Democrats are going to do is boycott the inauguration in its entirety.
Yes, you read that correctly. Publicly elected officials on one side of the political aisle are boycotting the inauguration of a democratically elected president.
This is real life. This is the reality we live in. These liberal, snowflake, feelings-donkeys, however, just got an epic dose of reality from Rep. Sean Duffy.
His message to them? Grow up, grow a pair, put on your big boy pants, and shut the hell up.
“It’s like, you know, I was a little kid and I’m used to getting a juice box and a trophy whether I win or I lose,” Duffy said. “Listen, Democrats lost. Donald Trump won. You may not like him, you may not agree with the agenda just like we didn’t agree with President Obama’s agenda.”
Duffy later remarked that if the Democrats were trying to make the event partisan, Republicans could then start doing the same next time a Democrat was elected as president, and told Cuomo, “That’s bad for the country.”
“Show up, be part of it. Put your big-boy pants on and let’s start working together,” he said.
Move on. You lost. It’s time to start working together. Or has Obama weakened your already feeble minds so much that you take his word of division for law and can’t think for yourselves?
I’m beginning to think it’s the latter.
(Source: The Blaze)