This stupid trend needs to stop. And it’s just that, a trend and nothing more, sitting for the national anthem is doing quite literally nothing to help any cause whatsoever.
Colin Kaepernick’s misguided and ill-timed protest has now started a whole revolution that quite frankly doesn’t even deserve the press it’s getting. Kaepernick is a two-bit has been 2nd string QB on a dumpster fire of a football team. Anything to stay relevant I guess. Moron.
But there’s no denying the fact that his refusal to stand up for the national anthem has led more and more people to sit for it for entirely the wrong reasons. Kaepernick sat for social injustice, something the flag and national anthem have nothing to do with. And now we have US service men and women doing the same thing. It’s sickening.
The Navy had NO patience with this garbage so they decided to send an ultimatum of their own back to Ervin.
Ervin says she lost her security clearance and was threatened with jail by the Navy in response to her actions.
The text from her picture was taken down, but here’s what it said originally.
My fellow Americans,
I have been proudly serving in the US Navy Reserve Force since November 2008. I have pledged to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and to spread freedom and democracy around the world. I will never waver from that pledge. On September 19,2016, while in uniform, I made the conscious decision to not stand for the Star Spangled Banner because I feel like a hypocrite, singing about “land of the free” when, I know that only applies to some Americans. I will gladly stand again, when ALL AMERICANS are afforded the same freedom. The Navy has decided to punish me for defending the Constitution and has taken away my equipment I need to do my Naval job. It was my pleasure serving my country, I love it dearly, that is why I must do this for you. I will keep you all posted on what happens next! #HOOYAH #USNAVYVET #PUTINTOACTIONWHATYOUSINGABOUT #DONTTREADONME
I have a new idea that we can do to shame these people into knowing what true and utter morons they are. You see someone sitting at a sporting event or whenever the national anthem is played, everyone should turn to THEM and sing the national anthem TO THEIR FACE. Single these people out. Let them know they are in the wrong.
There is a time and place for protesting black rights, “crooked” cops, and social injustice. It’s not during the national anthem. Wake up.