You know all that hand reaching over the isle stuff? Yea that doesn’t apply to the liberals. Nanci Pelosi is notorious for pushing her left-wing BS agenda to the American public and now it’s gone too far.
The left constantly preaches that they are tolerant and that Muslims aren’t bad at all. They continually don’t see the facts that Islam is not compatible with the west, but they say that Muslims are nothing to be worried about. And they certain don’t exploit Muslims to further their agenda right?
Wrong. Here’s liberal shrew Nanci Pelosi exploiting a Muslim congressman to further their anti-Trump, anti-American agenda.
Monday night in front of the Supreme Court at a Democratic leadership news conference about President Donald Trump’s immigration executive order, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was heard on a hot mic encouraging Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN), to tell the crowd he is a Muslim.
Partial transcript as follows:
CARSON: Greetings from the great state of Indiana. I’m Congressman Andre Carson.
PELOSI (OFF MIC): Tell them you’re a Muslim. Tell them you’re a Muslim.
CARSON: Not only do I represent Indiana’s seventh congressional district very proudly, but I happen to be a Muslim and a former police officer.
Ah yes, tell everyone you’re a Muslim. Make sure the whole country knows that we support you and by you telling them country you’re Muslim we can exploit you and your culture for our own personal gain and agenda.
Liberals are pure scum. You can not all Muslims are bad, but I say ALL liberals are bad. All of them. You will destroy our country and culture if this keeps up. Thankfully we have someone in power that actually knows what the hell he’s doing.
(Source: Breitbart)