Roy Moore didn’t lose because the left’s political brilliance; his campaign was crippled by Republican incompetence. Conservative pundit Mark Levin blasted party leaders after Moore’s defeat.
“Enough of this nonsense that Donald Trump lost Alabama and so forth and so on. It had nothing to do with Donald Trump – nothing, zero,” ranted Levin.
“But it had a lot to do with Mitch McConnell, the media, the Republican establishment, their media surrogates, their surrogates who write op-eds and columns, their editorial page surrogates.”
The Republican elites abandoned Moore after his sexual abuse scandal erupted. Without their support, Moore was doomed. Senate leader Mitch McConnell distanced himself from Moore while others threw their support behind his accusers.
“The problem is, ladies and gentlemen, Mitch McConnell was wrong,” Levin said. “He miscalculated… they didn’t defeat Roy Moore in the runoff, now did they? Roy Moore was the nominee in part a result of the not-so-clever shenanigans and efforts by the not-so-smart McConnell, Rove and Law who do this a lot from their offices in Washington, DC.”
Moore was a bad candidate. His downfall reflects badly on the whole party. According to Levin, if McConnell hadn’t interfered, Moore never would have a chance to embarrass himself.
“Mitch McConnell decided he was going to reach into the race in Alabama and try and control the outcome,” he said. “He wanted Luther Strange to win. Why did he want Luther Strange to win? Because he was a great conservative? No. Because he is a great man of incredible ethics? No. Because Luther Strange was the only one of the three, who said he would vote for Mitch McConnell to be majority leader.”
(Source: Breitbart)