You’d think by now that most Republicans would have stopped bitching and hopped on board the Trump Train to making America great again. You’d think that they would have put aside all the petty differences and seen how the country is ALREADY turning around and Trump has barely been in charge for a month. You’d also be completely wrong.
But that’s no fault of yours. You would be perfectly reasonable in assuming that most, if not all, of the GOP would have lined up behind a president that actually wants to make this country better. But no, the GOP lollygaggers are still dragging their feet and attempting to derail exactly what this country needs.
Two names come to mind when I think of these people: John McCain and Lindsay Graham. Graham is particularly horrible and outspoken. All through the election he challenged Trump on every single issue, even going as far as destroying a cell phone for some reason to gain traction. Everything Graham says is pure ridiculousness and now he’s contributing to the liberal hysteria fest and is calling for the FBI to request information on Trump and his wiretapping claim. But not in a helpful way.
Sen. Lindsey Graham says he sent a letter to FBI requesting info on Trump's claim that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower
— CNN (@CNN) March 8, 2017
This all goes back to Graham trying to undermine Trump at every turn. Graham was one of the most vocal about the Russia/Trump ties, even though the FBI has found ZERO evidence whatsoever of any relationship between the two.
And Graham won’t stop there. He’ll continue on this course of action until Trump is skewered from every angle, and for what? To what point or purpose? All this is doing is delaying the inevitable; Trump having no ties and being right about all of it. What does Trump have to gain lying about all this? He’s already sitting in the most powerful seat in the world so I don’t see what he could possibly gain from spreading false information.
So Mr. Graham, I say this from the bottom of my heart and mean every word. You’re an asshole. Give it up and get on board. And tell your GOP cronies as well. You guys make me sick.