One of my favorite people ever is Judge Jeanine Pirro, for two reasons – she doesn’t care who she offends, and she tells the truth, no matter how ugly. That’s why it’s one of my favorite parts of the week to see her segment on Fox News, where she takes apart the establishment brick by brick and talks frankly in way that’s unequivocally for the people.
In this segment, Pirro rails against Hillary’s most recent doublespeak controversy, in which she took millions from corporations while talking about how she’s “tough on big banks.” Pirro explains exactly why she will not win the election and why she can never win – it’s because while liars can get far, they always get found out.
Hillary, it’s your time to go. This video is a must-share!
Do you think Judge Pirro was on point? Let’s hear it in the comments!
(Source: YouTube)