This is pretty much the most damning proof imaginable showing just how sleazy the Democrats are. They will say anything to get their own way. Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton are the pinnacle of this.
Just the other day we saw Michelle Obama campaigning FOR Hillary Clinton. You wouldn’t be alone in thinking that Michelle Obama and Hillary have been best buddies this whole time. Sure seemed that way during their rally together.
If you were able to make it through that, here’s the kicker to it all.
Back in 2008, it was the Obamas vs. the Clintons in a battle royal for the Democratic nomination. When that was going down, Michelle Obama went on the offensive and drove a firm wedge between both families by slamming Hillary and her inability to properly manage her household.
Watch below as Michelle unloads during a campaign speech.
And now Michelle is saying that this election is about “who will shape our children.”
FLOTUS says this election is about "who will shape our children and the country we lead for them…for the rest of their lives."
— Hannah Chanpong (@hannahfc) October 27, 2016
But just 8 short years ago, Michelle, you said that Hillary is a woman who couldn’t control her own husband from cheating on you, so how are you to lead an entire country. This shows that the Democrats are nothing but hollow shills that will do anything to further their own agenda. And Hillary is Barack 2.0.
But the hypocrisy is what we should all be pointing out here. Michelle flip flopped on her stance on Hillary and said that this election is about the kids. Answer me this Michelle, would you want your own kids looking up to someone who is a potential criminal, pathological liar, accessory to adultery and abuse, or a sellout to the highest bidder? You’re a Democrat so I’m going to think that answer is yes. But for the rest of America, the sane part of America, that answer is a firm HELL NO.
(Source: YouTube)