Hillary Clinton does it again! And no, it’s nothing positive. Shocking right?
Voting laws are put in place for a reason. But then again, laws to Hillary Clinton are just minor suggestions in her eyes. The reason these voting laws are put in place is so that corrupt people like Hillary don’t get near the voters are they’re voting.
But as our eagle eyed friends over at Freedom Daily spotted, Hillary did just that and broke the law AGAIN in North Carolina.
Most states mandate that candidates cannot campaign anywhere near polling sites and North Carolina is NO different.
North Carolina is currently allowing citizens to vote early. Clinton visited one of the NC polling stations that’s open.
Here’s NC election law concerning campaigning near polling sites.
N.C.G.S. §163-166.4(a) No person or group of persons shall hinder access, harass others, distribute campaign literature, place political advertising, solicit votes, or otherwise engage in election-related activity in the voting place or in a buffer zone.
The buffer zone will be 50 feet from the entrance to the polling place except where deemed by the Wake County Board of Elections to be necessarily closer, but no less than 25 feet from the entrance to the polling place. There will be publication of information regarding the entrance location and distance of the buffer zone no later than 30 days before the election.
But what do we have here? Video proof she was at a voting office to sway voters.
.@HillaryClinton rolls up to the Chavis Center in Raleigh, NC to greet early voters and actress @UzoAduba #ABC11 #Decision2016 pic.twitter.com/X1xK7ZPJU9
— Tim Pulliam (@ABC7Tim) October 23, 2016
Unreal. How is this not voter fraud? Oh wait, it is. Share this everywhere and send it to your local politician as well! If this happens in your community, report it to the local government and have her removed. She cannot be there. That’s the LAW!
(Source: Freedom Daily)