Don’t look now, but the Democrats are trying to do something illegal. I know, shocking right?
In Virginia, Democrats just tried to extend voting rights for hundreds of thousands of convicted felons. It is, of course, illegal for convicted felons to vote. Democratic governor Terry McAuliffe tried to change that rule for what appears to be no reason. But we see through the lies. This was to get more votes for the Democrats and Hillary Clinton in particular.
Of course, Republicans saw right through the lies and immediately filed a lawsuit.
Republicans in Virginia filed a lawsuit Monday to block an executive order by Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe that extends voting rights to more than 200,000 convicted felons.
The lawsuit claims that McAuliffe didn’t have the authority to issue the executive order, which allows felons who have served their prison time and finished parole to register to vote, The Washington Post reported.
“From Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson to Tim Kaine and Bob McDonnell, every Governor of Virginia has understood the clemency power to authorize the Governor to grant clemency on an individualized basis only,” the lawsuit says.
The lawsuit was filed in the Virginia Supreme Court on behalf of leaders of the state’s House and Senate, including House Speaker William J. Howell (R-Stafford), Senate Majority Leader Thomas K. Norment (R-James City) and four Virginia voters.
Republicans have argued that the order, issued in April, would benefit Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton.
Ah HA! And now the truth comes out. Just more lies by the Dems to protect and get Clinton elected.
McAuliffe, a former Democratic National Committee chairman who ran Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, has since defended the order, telling Republicans to “quit complaining.”
“Quit complaining and go out and earn these folks’ right to vote for you. Go out and talk to them,” he said.
He called the order restoring voting rights to felons “morally the right thing to do.”
Oh yea because having theives, murderers, and liars in your ranks is a totally normal occurrence to you Democrats. Hell, you’re trying to get someone like that elected.
(Source: The Hill)