With all the information flying around the internet about Hillary Clinton, her emails, her bad temper, her general disregard for the law, etc, etc, we thought it’d be good to sort of organize them all in one place so no misinformation gets spread out.
There is so much information out there about Hillary and her disturbing brand of political bullshit, yet some people seem to still not get it. Trump may say inappropriate things from time to time, but nothing on this scale. Let’s go through the top 5 biggest red flags from the Wikileaks dump.
1) The mainstream media is DEEP into Hillary’s pockets.
Accordind to the dump, “CNN contributor and then adviser of the Democratic National Committee Donna Brazile gave the Clinton campaign advanced notice of a CNN town hall question.” What this mean is that the media is actively censoring and pre-delivering tough questions to her to help her seem more at ease and give her a better standing with the viewers of each town hall and debate.
“Mrs. Clinton’s campaign lauded a New York Times reporter for “teeing up” stories for them, and ABC’s George Stephanopoulos for hammering home their talking points.”
2) Hillary coerced the Department of Justice to help with her email scandal.
This is arguably the biggest red flag of them all. “Brian Fallon, Mrs. Clinton’s spokesman and former Justice Department staffer, appeared to have discussions with sources inside the DOJ about ongoing open records lawsuits requesting access to her emails while serving as secretary of state. In an email from May 2015, Mr. Fallon said that “DOJ folks” had “informed” him about the upcoming status conference in one of the lawsuits.”
Essentially what this is saying is that the DOJ and the Clinton campaign and administration were colluding to make sure Hillary stayed safe, innocent, and free, instead of behind bars like any other normal American would be under the same circumstances.
3) Hillary openly admitted she has a public opinion and a private opinion.
How can this even be possibly? It’s easy when you are the most corrupt, special interest inducing, criminally insane politician of all time. It’s no wonder Clinton will say anything to get into office. It’s because she has no opinion of her own.
“In a 2013 speech before the National Multi-Housing Council, Mrs. Clinton indicated her public positions may differ with her private positions, because politics is an ugly business.
“Politics is like sausage being made,” Mrs. Clinton said. “It is unsavory, and it always has been that way, but we usually end up where we need to be. But if everybody’s watching, you know, all of the backroom discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position.”
4) She and her constituents hate Catholics and Evangelicals.
As if this wasn’t known already, the email dump showed that Hillary, along with the rest of her campaign, see Catholics as backward thinking yahoos.
“Hacked emails show Mrs. Clinton’s campaign spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri and other Clinton allies openly talking about Catholics being “severely backwards” and charging that they don’t know “what the hell they’re talking about.” The April 2011 discussion between Ms. Palmieri and John Halpin, a senior fellow at the liberal Center for American Progress, mocks media mogul Rupert Murdoch for raising his children in the Catholic Church and said that most “powerful elements” in the conservative movement are all Catholic.”
Well no freaking kidding! It’s because people who were raised Catholic or Evangelical follow God correctly. You don’t see any Catholics of Evangelicals running around with bombs strapped to their chests do you? No wonder Hillary has big ties to be Middle East.
5) Hillary and her campaign tried to delay releasing emails because they knew what they were doing was illegal.
I’ll just let the report speak for itself on this one.
After receiving a subpoena for her emails, Clinton insider Phillipe Reines in March 2015 discussed strategies to use as an excuse not to release all of her emails. It appeared to constitute a conscious effort of the Clinton camp to frustrate and delay a congressional subpoena. Mr. Reines said of the emails: “Not flippantly, and maybe just from Nick’s [Merrill, Clinton spokesman] mouth — but rather than going around on how to release the 55k let’s just be for what’s happening and use this as an excuse. Because we can say even if State has equities, not providing them would put her in legal jeopardy OR we can say happy for them to have it, happy for them to have them as soon as State is comfortable.”
So Hillary has all these legitimate scandals that endanger the American people, cause concern for national security, and could potentially land her in jail. Trump says things and uses laws correctly and legally to his advantage as a businessman to pay down tax debt, and he’s the one that’s dangerous for the country?
Yea right. Get a clue liberal idiots.
(Source: The Washington Times)