We’re all witnessing history with these riots by Black Lives Matter supporters. Unfortunately it is the ugly side of history and all of this will go down as one of the lowest points in all of American history.
And why does it have to be this way? Well that’s because BLM and their followers have absolutely no regard for anything humane. They’re being allowed to run wild and no one in the liberal political sphere cares. The police are afraid for their lives and our own President sits idly by and sides with them to further his agenda of racial division.
Trump, seeing the writing on the wall, realizes what is going in and wants to restore law and order. This is absolutely BLM’s and Obama’s fault. They’ve bred a society where this kind of lawlessness is not only acceptable, but encouraged. Trump wants to stop it.
Republican nominee Donald Trump reacted to the ongoing violent protests in Charlotte, N.C. on “Fox and Friends” Thursday morning.
“It’s a terrible thing we’re witnessing. Something’s going on that’s bad. This is the United States of America,” Trump said over the phone.
“Well, it’s ‘wow, here we go again, You look at what went on last night in Charlotte, and we’re seeing it. I’m not overly surprised to see it,” Trump added. “What’s going between police and others is getting worse. You have to have law and order. At the same time you have to have a spirit of unity.”
As we know, this started when another cop shot a black man. The man, Terence Crutcher was disobeying a direct order from a law enforcement official by walking back to his car and attempting to get in, even though it does look like a bad shoot and the officer may have emotionally overreacted.
We need to evaluate the facts of this case and let justice be served. At no point is rioting justified.
Wake up America. We need a real leader who can end this garbage.
(Source: The Daily Caller)