Police officers around the world are laughing after a bizarre incident occurred Saturday night. A Scottish farmer called authorities after spotting a terrifying sight- a fully grown tiger crouched in his barn. After responding officers spent 45 minutes preparing to breach the barn, it was discovered that the menacing tiger was really just a stuffed toy.
Peterhead Inspector George Cordiner, wrote on Facebook:
“It’s true our officers had a roaring shift on Saturday night. We received a call from an extremely concerned member of the public late on Saturday evening with regards to a wild animal being loose in the grounds of a farm in the Hatton area.
“Unusual as the call may have seemed, any call reporting a potential danger to the public has to be taken seriously and efforts were made to verify the sighting as soon as possible.”
The farmer, 24-year-old Bruce Grubb, insists that he wasn’t in on the prank. “I feel a bit silly for calling the police but I thought it was a real emergency. We’re laughing about it now but it was very scary at the time,” he said.
The Peterhead police are taking a lot of grief over what happened, but nobody did anything wrong. The police aren’t trained to work with tigers, no wonder no one wanted to be the first to burst in upon one lying in a barn.
“As is standard practice when we are made aware of a potential threat to the public the use of firearms officers were considered as a contingency,” Inspector Cordiner wrote.
“In this case, they attended the area in support of the local community officers but they were not deployed or required… Until you know exactly what you are dealing with, every option has to be considered. The incident was stood down within 45 minutes once officers attended and established there was no threat to the public.”
(Source: The Scottish Sun)