There are few feelings in this world better than “I Told Ya So.” Today, Democrats and liberals alike are feeling the wrath of conservatives and Republicans saying just that.
We said, “Watch out. Don’t underestimate Trump. He’s going to win.” And then POOF, as if by magic he won. But it wasn’t magic. It was hard work and long days and nights. But before this all started, the liberal idiots of Hollywood and our government (Obama), decided to mock Trump for a presidential run.
This is absolutely surreal to watch.
It’s surreal to watch this 2011 video of Obama and Seth Meyers taunting Trump about a presidential run
— Business Insider (@BusinessInsider) November 9, 2016
Be sure to watch the entire video. A few things are readily apparent. 1) Trump is not amused, nor should he be. The things they are saying are disgusting and hateful. 2) They did the one thing liberals are good at, underestimating their competition. Then, when Trump saw the opening this year, he made them all eat their own words. 3) This is why Trump won. It’s the condescending, holier than thou attitude of the liberals that made America so fed up with their unending avalanche of bulls*** that Trump just came in and took it. It wasn’t easy, but there was a clear path and Trump walked it brilliantly.
I can’t wait to unearth all of these videos and share them with you all, because I’m sure there will be hundreds of them.
(Source: Twitter)