While the official details surrounding the Las Vegas massacre are still being sorted out, some new theories about what actually happened are starting to emerge. With little info about Stephen Paddock’s motivation or how he was able to carry out such a successful attack, witnesses are beginning to come forward offering conflicting accounts to what the authorities and media are feeding us.
As reported at Michael Savage, on Savage’s radio show Wednesday night, a caller, who says she was at the scene when the rampage started, claims she that while she was running for cover near the vendor tents, a police officer grabbed her and her husband and pulled them into one of the tents to hide.
While in cover, she says you could hear shots with different pitches at the same time, and also that they sounded like they were getting closer. Higher and lower pitched shots is what she described. She then says the officer got up and peaked out the tent and over his radio came the call that they had “active shooters” on the scene.
The woman says it sounded like there was a shooter in the crowd spraying bullets and getting closer to her location. While this is pure conjecture on her part, a self-admitted layman when it comes to guns, it’s a genuine, unfiltered account from a person who was there being shot at. She says she was only inches from death, as a woman beside her was shot in the stomach.
Accounts like these aren’t being accepted by the mainstream media, which is suspiciously not doing much questioning of the narratives coming from the feds. They’re just running with what they’re told, not truly attempting to get at the truth, which should be far clearer than it is by now. The supposed pictures from Paddock’s strange past, his hotel room, and the interesting accounts coming from witnesses are making it harder to believe the official story.
One thing is for sure, the truth is nowhere close to being sorted at this point. At this rate, who knows if we’ll ever really know what happened or why.
Source: Michael Savage