The Trump administration scored a huge victory Thursday. House Republicans successfully passed the Senate’s budget proposal, freeing Congress to implement an aggressive plan for tax reform.
“By passing this budget today we can send a clear message to the American people: real tax reform is on the way,” Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas) promised.
Every single Democrat and 20 Republican defectors voted against the budget. Liberals claim that the intended tax cuts will only serve rich Americans.
“Snake oil is all that this Republican budget will give to the American middle class and working families,” Rep. Salud Carbajal (D-Calif) said.
“This Republican budget is squarely aimed at ramming through a tax plan without bipartisan consensus or input. …Eighty percent of the tax cuts in this plan benefits only the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans.”
The Senate budget doesn’t explicitly put forth a tax reform plan, although it does grant Congress the ability to institute $1.5 trillion worth of tax cuts. Democrats are complaining before they know what they’re talking about.
“The devil’s in the details and those details have not yet been released yet… We’re going to make history,” Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) said.
Tax reform is a critical issue. President Trump’s base believes that government interference with their money should be kept to an absolute minimum. Republican in-fighting has impeded most of the president’s agenda; tax reform is the first issue that conservatives have been able to agree upon for months.
House officials are confident that the upcoming tax bill will also pass.
(Source: New York Post)