On Sunday night, the Philadelphia Eagles pulled off a stunning Super Bowl victory against the perennial contenders the New England Patriots. The winning quarterback, and Super Bowl MVP, Nick Foles, was only a back up until the team’s first-string quarterback tore his ACL at the end of the season.
Foles is a capable and seasoned veteran, and not only that, he’s also a man of Christian faith, as is former head coach and current NBC commentator, Tony Dungy. This is well known, and he’s never been shy about it, but his latest remarks concerning his and Foles’ faith has earned him strong rebukes from clowns across social media.
As reported in the Daily Mail, Dungy is currently being attacked for saying that Nick Foles would “play well because his Christian faith would allow him to play with confidence.”
Foles has been outspoken about his Christian faith as well, saying that once he retires from the NFL, he wants to be a pastor for high school students.
While talking about his performance after the game, Dungy reported that “Foles told me last week that he felt the Lord had him in Philadelphia for a special moment and he played like it tonight.”
Some critics ripped into Dungy on Twitter, accusing him of “preaching on air.” Which is funny, considering that’s all leftists do on every nearly every network on television and no one does anything about it.
“Really think the LORD is into football? Get a grip,” wrote one critic.
Some accused the former coach of somehow discrediting NBC with his remarks about faith. “Unbelievable you would use your employer, @NBCSports, to spout this nonsense on the air,” one wrote.
“NBC pays me to express my opinion,” replied Dungy. “And it was my opinion that Nick Foles would play well because his Christian faith would allow him to play with confidence. And that he’s a good QB. I think I was right on both counts.“
“Why would you find it hard to believe that the Holy Spirit could speak to Nick Foles just as much as a coach could speak to him?” Dungy continued.
“If he credited a coach for saying ‘Stay calm and be confident’ that’s good. But if he tells me Christ says that to him I shouldn’t report it???“
After the Eagles’ upset victory over the New England Patriots, Foles said he gave “all the glory to God” during the nationally televised awards ceremony.
“This was much bigger than the score of a football game,” Dungy wrote. “How many young boys are going to look up to Nick Foles because of what he did in this moment? When they do they’ll see something about LIFE!“
To the Left, Tony, they hope no one will look up to such a person. It’s clear that the Left’s anti-Christian crusade is paying off, as identifying as one these days will see you branded a moron a bigot or both. This, despite the fact that the majority of Americans still identify as Christians.
It goes to show you just how powerful the left-wing media domination is in the country, as they can convince and cower folks into hating on Christians or being afraid to identify as one. It’s disgusting, and something they don’t do to Islam, which they find every opportunity to shine the spotlight on. For anyone that thinks Foles or Dungy are weird or not worth looking up to, one can only imagine the kinds of clowns you would put on a pedestal in their place.
Source: Daily Mail