Hillary supporters seemed to think that they were pretty clever when they coined the phrase “Not my President” in protest of the election of President Trump. The idea has really picked up steam now with conservatives distancing themselves from everything ridiculous that the left does by saying “not my . . .(fill in the blank).” Most recently, conservative women have been using hashtags like #notmyprotest in order to show their disdain for the ugly turn that the anti-trump feminists have taken.
It is incredibly offensive to women across the country when this movement says they represent all women and their opinions. This was expressed by The Blaze’s Tomi Lahren on her Final Thoughts segment. And boy is this spot on!
So much of what feminism stands for today is so incredibly out of date. Maybe they started out with the correct goals in mind, but it has become a platform for hate and judgment. Being a woman myself, I’m a big proponent of women having rights, but I realize those rights come with certain responsibilities. For instance, if you have the right to work at any job you choose, you also have the responsibility to show up when you say you’re going to. When you don’t, and you blame it on being a woman you degrade women everywhere.
If equality is what you want equality, that means that it shouldn’t matter why you walked out. YOU are the one bringing up that it’s about being a woman. You are literally asking for an exception to be made for you to go protest against exceptions being made for people. The irony is verging on lunacy.
(Source: Western Journalism)