One of the Left’s favorite narratives since the early days of the Trump campaign has been to paint the president as a racist. It’s an easy thing to do, accuse someone of racism, as it immediately sets people against the accused. Not only that, even though it shouldn’t, it places the burden of proof on the accused, any attempt to provide that evidence is often labeled inadequate or racist themselves.
With Trump, the fact that he wants to stem the tide of illegal immigration and chain migration in general means he’s a racist. As is anyone that doesn’t want to open America’s doors to the entirety of the third world. With the latest controversy being Trump’s supposed “sh*thole” comment, the media’s been in a frenzy, saying that if there wasn’t enough proof already, it’s now “clear” that Trump hates brown people. While this narrative is pervasive and powerful, one of the few reliable folks in Congress shut it down in a matter of seconds.
As reported at the Daily Caller, while doing an interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd on Sunday, conservative Senator Rand Paul laid bare the anti-American tactics being used by Democrats and media to win concessions on immigration reform. That being labeling the president as a racist to garner support for their “resistance.
“You can’t have an immigration compromise if everyone is out there calling the president a racist,” he said. “They’re actually destroying the setting… in which anything meaningful can happen on immigration.”
“Some people in the media have just gone completely bonkers with ad hominem on the president,” he said elsewhere in the interview. Since the Washington Post story about Trump’s “sh*thole” characterization of some third world countries hit the web, the leftists in Congress have been licking their chops and clutching their pearls as they declared how awful Trump’s comments are.
The chorus of clowns is led by Rep. Al Green of Texas, who’s vowed to force a vote on articles of impeachment.
Source: Daily Caller