There’s no doubt that the Hillary campaign grasped at every possible straw in an effort to beat out President Trump for the highest seat in the land last November. The allegation that pretty much all the Clinton’s consider themselves to be above the law is nothing new, but this little nugget may show that Hillary was involved in more illegally activities than we originally thought.
Team Clinton released a tweet just prior to the election filled with innuendo which sure seems to indicate Hillary had prior knowledge of the wiretapping that President Trump suggested was done by the Obama administration. See the damning tweet below and draw your own conclusions, but it doesn’t look great for her already sullied reputation.
Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 1, 2016
Former Bush Attorney General Michael Mukasey believes Trump is correct that wiretapping occurred and it was ordered by Loretta Lynch’s DOJ.
From TheHill:
“I think he’s right in that there was surveillance and that it was conducted at the behest of the attorney general — at the Justice Department,” Mukasey told ABC’s “This Week.”
Why would Lynch risk her career and reputation for Clinton you may ask? Why, to further her career of course.
Reports prior to the election had Clinton courting Lynch to be her Attorney General as well.
The United States of America no doubt dodged a massive bullet last November when we elected the outsider with good business sense instead of the politician with nothing but selfish motivations.
It seems that rule and law are really cramping Hillary’s style. The Clintons and their cronies absolutely won’t be happy until they are able to call time-of-death on the American justice system and by extension, its safety.
(Source: Truth Feed)