President Trump whipped the mainstream media into a frenzy this week after he referred to Sen. Elizabeth Warren as “Pocahontas” during a ceremony. The event was designed to honor Native American Code Talkers who served in WWII.
The left is creating a controversy out of nothing. Trump’s comment was a lighthearted dig at Warren, a woman who’s known for lying about her ancestry. A direct descendant of Pocahontas, Debbie Porreco, agrees.
“I know that he uses ‘Pocahontas’ sometimes with Elizabeth Warren,” Porreco said. “He said, ‘well does that offend you when I use that?’ And I told him no, it doesn’t offend me.”
Democrats really want to prove that Trump is racist. They’ve been peddling the same lies for years now, and they’re finally being called out. If Trump could be discredited, it would reinvigorate their party.
“If Pocahontas were alive today, she would be very proud of President Trump… Just like Pocahontas was a heroine, Donald Trump is going to be our hero,” Porreco said.
Her comments contrasted sharply with those of Irene Bedard, the actress who voiced Pocahontas in Disney’s movie version.
“Do I think Pocahontas would be a fan of Trump? Oh no,” Bedard said. “Misogyny and bullying and name-calling at its finest. It is not intelligent discourse.”
Media pundits latched onto the Pocahontas story because they’re running out of bad things to say about Trump. Almost every day it seems as though one of their numbers is exposed as a pervert. They would much rather cover a gaffe made by the president than the abuse scandals rocking the industry.
Just met Thomas Begay who was "puzzled" but not offended by Trump's Pocahontas quip: "The Marines made us yell 'Geronimo' when we jumped out of planes + that didn't offend me either."
— Joshua Green ( on 🟦) (@JoshuaGreen) November 28, 2017
(Source: Daily Caller)