Few leaders in the Western world are as liberal as Canada’s Justin Trudeau. The man is a walking embodiment of left-wing ideas and talking points, as everything he says sounds like it was manufactured to generate maximum appeal to leftists.
His time as Canadian prime minister has seen the nation descend even further to the Left, as he and his comrades are firmly in control and trying to turn the nation into some progressive utopia. But his sharp turn to the Left has also seen him, on occasion, get in trouble for violating his own insane rules.
As reported at the Daily Mail, Trudeau’s latest politically correct crusade is to get folks to adopt genderless language, but during a recent town hall, his gambit got him into trouble, as he “mansplained” to a woman that she shouldn’t use the word “mankind,” but rather “peoplekind.”
Everyone knows that in the current year, a man cannot simply tell a woman she’s wrong or tell her she should do/believe x, y, or z instead, as that’s what they call “mansplaining.”
Nevertheless, while hosting a Q&A at MacEwan University in Edmonton on Thursday, Trudeau couldn’t help himself. A young woman from the World Mission Society Church of God, a controversial feminist church founded in South Korea, stood to ask a question about volunteering.
In Canada, regulations place restrictions on volunteering with religious organizations, especially Christian ones, and the young woman asked if Trudeau could make it easier for her and her church to do volunteer work in the country
“We have received the Queen’s Award in the UK, we have received many awards,” she said.
“We have received many awards, however, unfortunately in Canada, our volunteering as a religious charitable organization is extremely difficult. We came here today to ask you to also look into the policies that religious charitable organizations have in our legislations so that it can also be changed because maternal love is the love that’s going to change the future of mankind.“
At this point, Trudeau interrupted her and said: “We like to say peoplekind, not necessarily mankind ’cause it’s more inclusive.'”
“There you go!” the woman responded, as the audience broke into applause.
“We can all learn from each other,” Trudeau added.
This little exchange is mind-boggling. That we’re living in a world where people are patting themselves on the back about such things and worrying about them in the first place is disturbing.
While Trudeau’s holier-than-thou comment was well-received at the town hall, folks on Twitter didn’t quite feel the same way.
“Is Justin Trudeau mansplaining feminism?” wrote one Twitter user.
Ben McDonald wrote: ‘Justin Trudeau correcting a girl for saying ‘mankind’ is truly amazing.” I know, right? A man correcting a woman about anything in 2018 is so antiquated.
Trudeau’s fearless mansplaining moment comes just after Canada’s government just passed legislation to make their national anthem gender neutral. You know, because there’s nothing more important than ensuring pronouns are in order.
The move is set to change the second line of the anthem from “in all thy sons command” to “in all of us command” to become more inclusive.
The politically correct move is par for the course when it comes to Canada. The nation appears to be in competition with the likes of Sweden to see who can turn their nation into a progressive hellhole the quickest. But I guess they can worry about such asinine things considering they’re entirely irrelevant nations that depend on others for the very defense that allows them to pursue such nation-wrecking policies.
Source: Daily Mail