The GOP is getting ready for a victory party on Capitol Hill today, as it’s been reported that the NSA will provide the House Intelligence Committee with potential “smoking gun” proving that the Obama administration spied on the Trump transition team, and maybe even the president-elect.
Via World Net Daily:
NSA will provide the House Intelligence Committee with potential “smoking gun” documentation proving the Obama administration spied on the Trump transition team, and maybe even the president-elect.
Multiple sources said the intelligence information will prove the Obama administration misused information gained from legitimate surveillance of foreign targets to spy on the president-elect.
That is said to include the “unmasking”, or revealing the identity of those spied upon and sharing those identities in the intelligence community, which would be a criminal offense.
It is not clear if any of that information will be made public on Friday, but it will likely take congressional investigators some time to examine the documents and determine their significance.
Nunes would not rule out the possibility that Obama was personally involved in the surveillance.
You can see Nunes’ full statement here:
It should serve as a warning to America that we are even having to deal with this problem at all. I understand that it’s possible we, collectively, made a mistake and voted in a dishonest president. That could happen, and we could dust ourselves off and move on. But could everyone please make note of the fact that the whole DNC and news media is still backing him up all the way? Make note of it for the next time you want to believe them because it’s convenient.
How undeniable is the proof going to have to be before America says “enough” and locks up, or at least removes from office some of these crooks? What is the long-term plan here? Do we think if we forgive and forget they won’t lie to us again? Yeah, because that always works.
(Source: World Net Daily)