Well, this is interesting. Rep. Maxine Waters has gone so far off of the deep end that she’s openly calling for reparations for blacks. The comments were thrown into between jabs aimed at President Trump.
“He’s a bully — he has a bully mentality,” Waters said of the president.
“We need someone in the presidency who not only has good sense but understands diplomacy and understands what we need to do to have peace in this world so we can all look forward to the possibility that we’re someday going to have a world that’s about peace and justice and respect for individual liberty.”
Powerful words, but she doesn’t mean them. Her version of peace and justice involves giving minorities special treatment. She’s trying to appeal to the fringe elements of her base and it’s working.
”“In order to get where we need to go on this issue and other issues, we really got to understand that 2018 is important in taking back the House and taking back the Senate,” she threatened.
“We want to get to the point where we can get reparations, we’ve got to have the power to do that, Number 1, by having a supportive president would be wonderful, but taking back the House would be absolutely wonderful… I need to take back that House so that we can have a majority in that committee.”
Wow. She’s urging her followers to support the “resistance” because she thinks that it will give her more power. She and President Trump have been at loggerheads since before Trump took office.
Reparations for African Americans are an absurd idea. It’s not feasible politically, which makes it a curious idea for Waters to propose. She’s saying it for pure shock value rather than because she thinks it’s a likely reality.
(Source: The American Mirror)