Obama stuffed the EPA with political hacks and scientific fraudsters. Now liberals are freaking out because the Trump administration is cleaning house. Over 700 useless bureaucrats have been purged from the agency since President Trump took office.
The news should be celebrated, but liberals are reacting with trepidation.
Tree huggers and angry Millennials already disapprove of Scott Pruitt, the head of the EPA. They’re obsessed with man-made climate change, and it annoys them that Pruitt refuses to bow to pressure.
“With only 10 months on the job, Administrator Pruitt is unequivocally doing more with less to hold polluters accountable and to protect our environment,” EPA spokesman Jahan Wilcox said.
According to the New York Post, the administration is “well on its way to achieving its goal of cutting 3,200 positions from the agency — about 20 percent of its workforce — to levels last seen during the Reagan administration.”
Trump and Pruitt should be praised, instead, the left is misrepresenting their intentions and dragging their name through the mud. They’re acting as though Pruitt is the villain from Fern Gully.
“The reason EPA went down to 15,000 employees under Obama is because of pressure from Republicans. This is the effort of the Republicans under the Obama administration on steroids,” said John J. O’Grady, head of the American Federation of Government Employees Council 238.
Taxpayer money shouldn’t be used to fund superfluous government salaries. The smaller and more efficient the EPA becomes, the better it is for America. The liberal era of big government spending is over.
(Source: New York Post)