Political advisor and winning presidential campaign manager Kellyanne Conway should, on paper, be the darling of feminists everywhere. She did something no woman had ever done before when she led a presidential campaign to victory, and she continues to be a highly esteemed advisor to President Trump. By all accounts, she is not only the embodiment of the American Dream but the feminist dream as well.
Unfortunately for Conway, feminism in America will throw you under the bus if you don’t march in lock-step with their every liberal cause. Conway points out that many of the female Democratic Congresspeople were deafeningly silent after she was slandered and overtly sexualized by a congressman for basically just doing her job and making an effort.
Conway has handled the situation with a lot more dignity than most. She has spoken about the incident when she’s asked but has generally taken the tone that this is the kind of disrespect that she expected if a republican won the presidency. Her brand of equality is refreshingly genuine since she actively expects to be slighted and slandered as much as any man in her position. She only points out the hypocrisy of the women who claim to be a champion for other women’s rights and yet they blatantly scorn her rights.
There is no doubt that if the situation had been reversed and it had been a left leaning woman in the Oval Office, and a republican politician had made such a demeaning comment, there would be no end to the outrage and finger pointing about how a woman should be in the Oval.
Feminism says that women should have rights, just not to their own opinion outside of the feminist agenda. Feminism says that women should have choices, just not the choice to disagree with their agenda. Feminism thinks that every woman should be treated with the same respect as a man unless she disrespects the abortion industry. Feminist tell you that, if you’re a woman, they have your back, only they may be there just to bury a knife in it.
(Source: The Blaze)