The insipid nonsense that CNN tries to pass off as news hasn’t been hooking viewers lately. People are hungry for real news. One of the most important stories in Washington right now is Sen. Al Franken’s disgraceful behavior with a model. Host John Berman correctly reported the story, but he then claimed that an ethics investigation into the senator would be a waste of time.
“You have Democrats in the Senate, and also Republicans in the Senate, calling for an ethics investigation of Al Franken,” Berman stated.
“I’m not quite sure I understand an ethics investigation of what because he’s apologized, and he, there was the picture, and there doesn’t seem to be so much of a dispute there.”
Berman’s crude comments set off a firestorm on social media. Franken is accused of jamming his tongue down radio host Leeann Tweeden’s throat without her consent and posing for a “funny” picture in which he cupped his hands over the sleeping woman’s breasts.
“It’s the fact-finding period in the middle that is the place that you can kind of put this,” Berman’s guest Karoun Demirjian, a reporter for the Washington Post, responded.
Overpaid media pundits aren’t the ones who should be deciding if an ethics investigation is necessary or not. Franken is a U.S. senator, he represents millions of people. It’s critical that he be removed from his position if he’s proven to be an abuser.
Democrats wish the Franken story would go away, but that’s not going to happen. The picture shared by his victim is too damning, to horrifying.
I want to apologize to Leeann Tweeden, to everyone who was part of the USO tour, to all who've worked for me, to all I represent, & to all who've considered me an ally & supporter & champion of women. I am sorry.
— U.S. Senator Al Franken (@SenFranken) November 16, 2017
(Source: Daily Caller)