This one is beyond words, folks. If you wanted any evidence as to why no one in America trusts the Democrats and liberals anymore, look no further than this right here.
We all know Donna Brazile. She is the disgraced former interim DNC chairwoman who took over for also disgraced Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. For those of you that do not know who Brazile is, she’s best known for this.
She barely admitted to her wrong doing and still mixed her words to fool the American people.And they wonder why they lost the election…
So given this evidence and knowing that it’s true, one wouldn’t be called out for thinking that Brazile is unemployable. Sure she has experience, but if you were the CEO of a major media company, would you not want her on staff? Apparently Time Magazine has no ethics at all.
So the story goes like this then: Donna Brazile is caught red handed trying to manipulate an election, is then fired by the DNC (a hugely corrupted part of our system), then sort of admits to wrong doing a year after doing it, and is then hired by a liberal media outlet to talk about politics. And they call consrvative outlets “fake news?”
Spare me.