Here’s just another reason why Trump should come to power. He realizes the threat we are faced with.
While Obama says we should let more muslim immigrants come into our country, Trump says we should stop them entirely. Trump, in a press release shown to the media yesterday, has officially called for the immediate cease and desist of allowing all muslims to immigrate into the U.S. The entire left and even some people on the right are comparing him to a Nazi and how he thinks to the Nazi mentality, but I ask you one simple question: can you really blame him? Muslims are strapping bombs to themselves, blowing themselves up allover the world, and conducting military style attacks within U.S. borders. It doesn’t sound like an unreasonable request to me!
Here is the Press release in it’s entirety:
Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population. Most recently, a poll from the Center for Security Policy released data showing “25% of those polled agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a part of the global jihad” and 51% of those polled, “agreed that Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to Shariah.” Shariah authorizes such atrocities as murder against non-believers who won’t convert, beheadings and more unthinkable acts that pose great harm to Americans, especially women.
Mr. Trump stated, “Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life. If I win the election for President, we are going to Make America Great Again.” – Donald J. Trump
I find this to be a hugely important issue and one that should be talked about by everyone. How is it racism when it’s the truth?! You don’t see Christians and Jews suicide bombing mosques do you?
(Source: AP)