During the Republican debate, Sen. Ted Cruz was asked an extremely important question by someone on Facebook and repeated by moderator Megyn Kelly:
‘I want to know if any of them have received a word from God on what they should do and take care of first.’ Senator Cruz, start from you. Any word from God?
His response is epic!
Here’s the transcript of Cruz’ awesome response:
Well, I am blessed to receive a word from God everyday in receiving the Scriptures and reading the scriptures, and God speaks through the Bible. I’m the son of a pastor and an evangelist and I’ve described many times how my father, when I was a child, was an alcoholic, he wasn’t a Christian, and my father left my mother. And left me when I was just three years old, and someone invited him to Clay Road Baptist Church and he gave his heart to Jesus and it turned him around, and he got on a plane and he flew back to my mother and me.
I would also note that the scripture tells us “you shall know them by their fruits.” See, lot of campaign conservatives – but if we’re going to win in 2016 we’re going to need a consistent conservative, someone who’s a fiscal conservative, a social conservative, a national security conservative. There are real differences among the candidates on issues like amnesty, like Obamacare, like religious liberty, like life and marriage, and I have been proud to fight and stand for religious liberty, to stand against Planned Parenthood, to defend life for my entire career and I will continue to do so as President of the United States.
Yes! He is Right! God bless that response. With candidates like Sen. Cruz in the race, we are sure to have a great candidate representing the right.
(Source: Now The End Begins)