Earlier today, a shooting took place at a night club in Orlando, Florida, which is now the deadliest shooting in American history. We have all the details in a post here.
At a time like this, everyone is looking for how they can gain politically, and it’s no surprise that Hillary and her liberal buddies are trying to blame this on guns – anything to detract away from the real problem which is radical Islam’s encroachment on our way of life.
You see, the shooter didn’t kill gays in a night club because he was a right-wing nut job that went to a Trump rally and said “no more”. Spoiler Alert: That doesn’t happen.
No, the shooter was a Muslim from a country where they routinely throw gays off roofs. Say what you want about the conservative south, but there’s a reason why there’s a gay bar in Orlando – it’s because there’s no threat to their lives there. Well, until now.
The shooter allegedly pledged allegiance to ISIS and was under investigation by the FBI. Seeing a gay couple in Miami apparently threw him into a rage, and seeing that radical Imams in the area called for gays to be executed as the “only option,” it’s easy to see what the real problem was.
Donald Trump took to social media early to report what he knew of the story and relayed the important facts of the time:
Really bad shooting in Orlando. Police investigating possible terrorism. Many people dead and wounded.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 12, 2016
Terrorism was the operative word there – especially at a time when liberal media was calling it as a white gunman and possibly right wing.
Later on, Trump really unloaded, and it’s EXACTLY what America needs to wake the f**k up to the very real threat of Islamic terror. A Muslim extremist attacked one of the most liberal places imaginable, and that cannot be emphasized enough.
Here’s what Trump said:
Horrific incident in FL. Praying for all the victims & their families. When will this stop? When will we get tough, smart & vigilant?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 12, 2016
Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 12, 2016
Is President Obama going to finally mention the words radical Islamic terrorism? If he doesn't he should immediately resign in disgrace!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 12, 2016
Reporting that Orlando killer shouted "Allah hu Akbar!" as he slaughtered clubgoers. 2nd man arrested in LA with rifles near Gay parade.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 12, 2016
"@WandaWalls20: @realDonaldTrump Please make us safe. We cannot have Hillary as president. We will be in so much trouble.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 12, 2016
Trump then wrote a statement that hit the nail on the head on his website:
Last night, our nation was attacked by a radical Islamic terrorist. It was the worst terrorist attack on our soil since 9/11, and the second of its kind in 6 months. My deepest sympathy and support goes out to the victims, the wounded, and their families.
In his remarks today, President Obama disgracefully refused to even say the words ‘Radical Islam’. For that reason alone, he should step down. If Hillary Clinton, after this attack, still cannot say the two words ‘Radical Islam’ she should get out of this race for the Presidency.
If we do not get tough and smart real fast, we are not going to have a country anymore. Because our leaders are weak, I said this was going to happen – and it is only going to get worse. I am trying to save lives and prevent the next terrorist attack. We can’t afford to be politically correct anymore.
The terrorist, Omar Mir Saddique Mateen, is the son of an immigrant from Afghanistan who openly published his support for the Afghanistani Taliban and even tried to run for President of Afghanistan. According to Pew, 99% of people in Afghanistan support oppressive Sharia Law.
We admit more than 100,000 lifetime migrants from the Middle East each year. Since 9/11, hundreds of migrants and their children have been implicated in terrorism in the United States.
Hillary Clinton wants to dramatically increase admissions from the Middle East, bringing in many hundreds of thousands during a first term – and we will have no way to screen them, pay for them, or prevent the second generation from radicalizing.We need to protect all Americans, of all backgrounds and all beliefs, from Radical Islamic Terrorism – which has no place in an open and tolerant society. Radical Islam advocates hate for women, gays, Jews, Christians and all Americans. I am going to be a President for all Americans, and I am going to protect and defend all Americans. We are going to make America safe again and great again for everyone.
– Donald J. Trump
Amen, Mr. Trump. Amen.
[…] https://yesimright.com/what-trump-said-about-the-muslim-shooter-will-wake-america-the-fk-up/ […]