Look, we love Donald Trump, but I think his VP picks should have included Dr. Ben Carson. The man is incredibly intelligent and when he calls out Obama’s race baiting ways like this, he has our vote. I really hope Trump put’s him in his cabinet. We need his opinion and brain in our government. Maybe Attorney General? He’s way more qualified than Loretta “off the hook” Lynch.
So what has Carson so mad at Obama anyway? It’s the fact that while the president focuses on high profile shootings of Black Americans by white police officers, which is an astronomically small percentage of shootings, Obama ignores and never once talks about the thousands of people shot yearly in Chicago. These shootings include innocent children.
It’s absolutely shameful and Carson has had enough of it!
These are the people Trump needs to surround himself with. Ben Carson speaks the truth and ANYONE calling out Obama and Black Lives Matter for their hate filed agenda gets the thumbs up in my book.
What about you? Do you think Trump should have Carson in his cabinet? Let’s hear it in the comments.
(Source: Facebook)